
Reptiles & Amphibians + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • As an iguana grows, it must be moved to a larger enclosure, with accommodation for both horizontal and vertical movement. Glass or Plexiglas® enclosures with good ventilation are ideal. The cage bottom should be easy to disinfect and keep clean, with a screened top to prevent your pet from escaping, while still allowing some ventilation. A source of heat and UV light must be provided for iguanas. All reptiles require a heat source, such as a ceramic heat-emitting bulb, in their tanks to provide warmth. Ideally, the cage should be set up so that a heat gradient is established, with the tank warm on one and cooler on the other. The cage temperature should be monitored closely. For UV light to be effective, it must reach the pet directly, without being filtered out by glass or plastic between the pet and the bulb. The bulb should be approximately a foot away from the animal and be on for 10-12 hours per day, mimicking a normal daylight cycle.

  • Iguanas make fairly good pets for the right owner. Since they can live up to 15 years and can grow up to 6 feet, proper housing and space must be considered for the long term care. Proper care, housing and nutrition is essential to help your iguana live a healthy life.

  • Iguanas face several health problems that will need veterinary intervention for treatment or resolution. Cystic calculi, dystocia, avascular necrosis and dysecdysis are all common problems that will need medical attention sooner rather than later.

  • Leopard geckos make great pets for the children and adults. They do not require elaborate set-ups and have a 10-15 year life span with good health care, a clean environment, and proper feeding.

  • A wild reptile typically spends many hours a day basking in the sun and absorbing ultraviolet (UV) light, which is necessary for the manufacture of vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is manufactured in the skin and is required for the intestines to properly absorb calcium from food. Lack of UV light can predispose a pet reptile to nutritional metabolic bone disease (MBD). Regular exposure to natural direct sunlight outside is encouraged and recommended whenever possible.

  • Several species of snakes are commonly kept as pets, including king snakes, rat snakes, garter snakes, corn snakes, various pythons, and various boa constrictors. Young, captive-raised animals make the best pets. This handout discusses key features of snakes and how to choose a snake as a pet. Within one week of your purchase, your snake should be examined by a qualified reptile veterinarian.

  • The red-eared slider is probably the most popular pet aquatic turtle. If you keep more than one in the same tank, they should have plenty of swimming room and should be of similar size to avoid bullying. The goal is to keep the tank temperature and light cycle constant so that pet turtles do not go into hibernation. Red-eared sliders can be fed a combination of commercially available turtle pellets, small fish, and a variety of vegetables. They should also receive supplemental calcium and a multivitamin. All reptiles can potentially carry Salmonella bacteria in their gastrointestinal tracts and can shed it in their feces. Thoroughly wash your hands after handling your turtle, feeding it, or cleaning its cage. Males are smaller than females. Turtles have a cloaca; feces and urine that accumulates in the cloaca is voided externally to the outside through the vent opening, found on the under surface of the tail. Within 48 hours of your purchase or adoption of a new turtle, your new pet should be examined by a veterinarian familiar with reptiles.

  • Box turtles can make great pets if cared for properly. With proper diet and housing, captive box turtles usually live up to 20 years of age, but some have been reported to live 30–40 years. This article outlines some general information about box turtles, including how to choose a healthy turtle, turtle anatomy, salmonella concerns, and recommended veterinary care.

  • Telemedicine is the act of practicing medicine from a distance and your appointment will be conducted by a licensed veterinarian. Before your appointment, gather information on your pet’s history and your current concern. Look at a calendar and write down a timeline of your pet’s problems. Be prepared to answer questions that you would normally be asked at an in-person appointment. Write notes to help you remember everything. Most telemedicine appointments involve the use of some type of video chat. Conduct your visit in a quiet area with good lighting and have your pet with you before the call starts. Not all concerns can be addressed through telemedicine. If your veterinarian is unable to arrive at a diagnosis via telemedicine, he or she can help you determine the next step for your pet to ensure that he or she receives optimal care.

  • Do you have medications stored in the bathroom cabinet, kitchen drawer, and pantry shelf? Are random bottles haphazardly tossed into the “pharmacy”? Medications are meant to help us and our pets, but they can do more harm than good if stored or administered incorrectly. You can protect your family and pets by safely handling and disposing of medications.